dry-contact remote control, for use with third party products
remote control enjoy R4 for radio motors and receivers
This product is suitable to be used when enjoy R4 radio motors or receivers will be combined with other products, from third party (for example with an external home automation system,...). It works like a bridge between both systems
- Commands from third paty company will arrive to EMDRY01 by wire in pulse mode without voltage (dry or neutral contact). After that, it will be translated and the command will be send to the enjoy product wireless
- Remote control EMDRY01 can place the motorized product in its upper limit, lower limit or in the used preferred point with the stop button (long signal command)
- If each motor must work individually it will be necessary add as many remotes EMDRY01 as motors are installed
- If motors will works in a group, them is enough to add as many remotes EMDRY01 as groups we want to done

Power wiring (230V) and command wiring (dry contact):

- Remote control EMDRY01 is powered directly to AC230V
- Remote control EMDRY01 is connected to external product, and by wiring it gets the commands by pulses in dry contact and always without power
Operating type:

- If each motor must work individually it will be necessary add as many remotes EMDRY01 as motors are installed
- If motors will works in a group, them is enough to add as many remotes EMDRY01 as groups we want to done
EMDRY01, how it works?:

What products can I use it with?:
- Remote control EMDRY01, is compatible with all enjoy R4 radio motors and receivers
- Enjoy R4 works with frequency 433.92 MHz and has the rolling code system to protect the signal
Contenido en el embalaje:
- x1 EMDRY01 Remote control
- x1 power 230V cable (3 wires)
- x1 dry contact command cable (4 wires)
- x1 use and programming manual
with enjoy, command your home
wherever you are

Do you have motorized systems with ENJOY R4 products at your home? now, it is really easy and simple to command them from your smartphone (Android or iOS). Besides, our hub GWE with the app Smart Life are compatible with Alexa and Google Home, so you can also open or closed your roller shutters, awnings, blinds, ... simply with voice commands